The HOA Industry; Management Companies, Attorneys, Collection agencies, and service providers draw most if not all of their income from HOA Associations. These Associations have mostly unlimited ability to assess their homeowners for any and all their cost. The HOA industry is represented by three primary trade groups:
Have you ever wondered why there is only one law firm in Arizona that exclusively represents homeowners, while there are hundreds if not thousands of attorneys that exclusively represent the HOA/Condo associations and builders?
With that money comes paid professional lobbyist representing the HOA Trade groups, special events for legislators, and contributions to political campaigns. The voice of these trade groups is very well heard at the Capital.
Despite this Arizona has been blessed with individual homeowner advocate pioneers, who worked hard to fight these trade groups and get laws passed to help protect your rights, one small step at a time. It was on the shoulders and hard work of these pioneers that the Arizona Homeowners Coalition was formed.
Bills introduced by others