AZHOC - Arizona Homeowners Coalition
Voice for homeowner rights and justice.

CC&R’s Roof repair and maintenance

The current Board is refusing to recognize a CC&R article in regards to maintaining and repairing roofs. It’s clear that they are responsible. A prior, uneducated Board member thought they could change the CC&R’s with a poolside vote to remove the responsibility to just $300 then to nothing. They “Amended the By-Laws with this “vote”. It is clear they can’t do that and more, written consent by all owners and 1st Mortgagees need to be received. This was never done. My roof needed repairing and now they are refusing to reimburse me. The “President”, and I say this loosely, responded with “I and a majority of the homeowners in good faith paid for our roofs because the precedent was set. You are attempting to gain funds that are not fair to the other homeowners who have paid for their roofs”. I have been telling this community of 20 units for almost 6 years that they did not process this correctly. Now I am being denied what the CC&R’s outline. What is my recourse without it costing me an arm and a leg???

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